

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

They say be afraid, you're not like the others.

i was struggling to stay awake in math today, and decided to list a bunch of facts about me. Not personality wise, but internally. Shit that's the innards that nobody knows lol and this is what i came up with :)
-I count ceiling tiles when I'm bored
-People who chew with their mouthes open gross me out and disgust me.
-My stereo volume always has to be on an even #
-Math seriously bores me to the point of falling asleep
-I graduated High school early to get away from immature drama
-I'm very compassionate which is probably my biggest flaw.
-I bite the inside of my mouth when something is bothering me/
-I absolutely cannot stomach bloody movies or shows.
-Daydreaming is a part of my everyday life
-My mind never stops racing
-I love drinking Arnold Palmers
-I forget things easily and usually write things on my hand to remember
-I wish i was better at drawing
-THe little things mean teh most to me
-I face a daily struggle to forgive and let go
-When I hear a song that has significance to my life, i get the chills every time i hear it without fail.
-It crushes me to see others in pain
-I don't cry often and when i do, it is very brief and doesn't last long
-I hate writing in pencil
-Sometimes it's hard for me to smile.
-One of these days I'm leaving this place. And once i'm gone, Im never coming back.
-I wish i was closer with my brothers.
-I love the smell of pine trees
-I don't believe in feeling with the heart.. It comes from the soul.
-I love kids.
-I cant draw a straight line to save my life
-my newest goal in life is to fight for a cause and be passionate about it.
-Many people I have relied on have walked away.
-My body hates alcohol and punishes me when i drink a lot of it.
-Whenever I see paneled windows, I count the corners, over and over and over and over again.
-I wear my watch on my right wrist, even tho I'm not left handed.
-I feel naked if i'm not wearing a necklace
-I hate clocks. They make me anxious.
-I brush my teeth.. a LOT
-I have my Mother's eyes, strength, and temper
-For me there is a difference between living and being alive.
-I love tattoos. My body is a canvas, always ready for the next addition.
-I hate being wrong. Especially about people.

"The path I carve from here on out will be my own ... This path will be my own."

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